Finished projects | Release - 2013
Special Mention, 13th ONE WORLD IDFF Slovakia 2012
Documentary film GRADUATES is about the struggle of young people, who, after graduating, find themselves in the reality and have to adapt to the needs of society. Oftentimes, the graduates have to accept tough conditions that do not meet their interests or expectations. Their plans and dreams collide with the global financial crisis, they do not understand the market rules and feel they live in an unjust country. An graduated actor has to work as a steward for airlines, a photographer runs several shops with pet supplies and a student, who wants to be successful in the field of visual modern arts but finds out that it is not simple at all in a reality where money has the biggest value... We are free, but to what extent are we able to take fate into our own hands?
2012 / SK/ fullHD/ length: 83 min.
Screening copy: DCP, blu-ray, DVD
Producers: Lívia Filusová, Tomáš Krupa, Pavol Palárik
Directed by: Tomáš Krupa
Script: Tomáš Krupa
Cinematography by: Pavol Palárik, Ján Kasz, Martin Čech
Editing Pavol Palárik
Sound: Miloš Hanzély
Music: Hildur Gudnadottir, Zoe Keating, Richard Skelton
Cast: Filip Jurkovič, Pavol Kaniansky, Miroslav Mráz
Language: Slovak
Distribution premiere in Slovakia: 25th April 2013
Distribution premiere in Czech Republic: 1st May 2014
Supported by Slovak Audiovisual Fund
2012 © Furia Film, Hailstone, Family Film
Vajnorská 6
Bratislava 831 04